Kingdom Family Part 13

May 16th 2016

Justin Henderson wraps up our Kingdom Family series by talking about Doing Single Life.  He shows us what the Bible says about being single and gives us the four D’s of doing single life:  determine your purpose, direct your resources, disregard envious thoughts and discover your identity.  Join us Sundays at 10am!

Kingdom Family Part 12

May 09th 2016

There are no perfect parents!  Don’t put that pressure on your self!  Chris Brannon continues in our Kingdom Family series, speaking on parenting.  He uses Deuteronomy 6:4-9 to show us how we are called to parent our children.  Parents, you must love God with everything you are and have, keep the truth of God’s Word on your heart, and teach the same love to your children.  Listen as Chris shows us how we model this First-Love relationship and gives us some amazing “take-home” ideas that are very important.  We are to make God real to our kids!  Join us Sundays at 10am!

Kingdom Family Part 11

May 03rd 2016

Chris Brannon continues in our Kingdom Family series by giving us a biblical model for a healthy family life.  There are four components of a healthy family:  Covenant, Grace, Empowerment and Intimacy.  Listen as Chris dives deeper into each component to help us understand what a biblically healthy family looks like.  Join us Sunday at 10am as we continue in our Kingdom Family series.

Kingdom Family Part 10

Apr 25th 2016

Chris Brannon continues from his sermon last week and gives us the remaining six transformations through marriage.  He shows us how marriage enhances our ability to persevere as life presents us with so many situations that simply must be endured.  Marriage also build in us a servant’s heart.  Chris has us ask ourselves if we have emptied ourselves for our spouse.  Another transformation that we see through marriage is that marriage teaches us how to love.  If we can’t fulfill Jesus’ command to love one another by loving our spouse, how can we possibly bring ourselves to love others that are in need of Christ?  Our spouse may be difficult at times (just as we are), but that’s what marriage is for – to teach us how to love!  Join us this Sunday at 10am as we continue in our Kingdom Family series.

Kingdom Family Part 9

Apr 18th 2016

“What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?” – Gary Thomas from Sacred Marriage.  Chris Brannon continues in our Kingdom Family series speaking on being transformed through marriage.  He shows us what God’s primary purpose and intention for marriage is and helps us establish the proper expectations from our marriages.  Knowing why we are married and should stay married is crucial!  God can use marriage to grow us up in our service, obedience, character and our pursuit and love of God.  What if we are to accept the hard times and tough situation, that come out of marriage, because we know that  out of it, we may learn to draw the resources we need with which to make the sweetness of a holy life?  Listen as Chris gives us seven different transformations through marriage and starts to dive into a couple of them.  Join us Sunday at 10am as he continues on this subject and dives into the remainder of the seven transformations.

Kingdom Family Part 8

Apr 11th 2016

In Ephesians 5:1-2, it gives us an example of how we are supposed to imitate God through Christ.  Justin Henderson continues our Kingdom Family series, speaking on reflecting Christ in marriage.  He gives us four attributes that we are to show to imitate Christ in our marriages.  Join us as Sundays at 10am as we continue our Kingdom Family series, and learn how to have God in our family relationships!

Kingdom Family Part 7

Apr 05th 2016

There are many differences between what our culture and the Bible says about marriage.  For the next couple of weeks, we will be exploring some of the vast array of ideas and opinions about marriage.  Chris Brannon continues our Kingdom Family series talking about the secret of marriage!  He shows us two different extremes regarding God’s purpose for marriage.  Join us Sundays at 10am as we continue in this amazing series about family.

Kingdom Family Part 6

Mar 21st 2016

As men are prone to selfish passivity and selfish aggression, women are prone to some disordered desires of their own.  Chris Brannon continues in our Kingdom Family series by speaking on women’s hurdles and the remedy.  Listen as he gives us four common struggles that women have and what the remedy to those struggles are.  Join us Sundays at 10am!

Kingdom Family Part 5

Mar 15th 2016

For the last couple of weeks, Chris has showed us God’s purposes for men.  Now, he will show us God’s purposes for women!  Just as we let culture affect our view of how men are, we do the same for women.  We must get our views from scripture, not the culture that surrounds us.  Listen as Chris shows us what the Bible says on the role of women and biblical womanhood.

Kingdom Family Part 3

Mar 10th 2016

Chris Brannon continues in our Kingdom Family series by talking to the men about biblical manhood.

Kingdom Family Preaching Series